
中英对照 | 最高检第四十、四十一批指导性案例译文上线!

北大法宝 北大法宝 2023-03-22

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来源 | 北大法宝法律法规库、北大法宝英文译本库


[CLI Code] CLI.3.5135558(EN)




Administrative public interest litigation case where the procuratorial organs in Jilin Province urged performance of supervision and administration functions of environmental protection



Administrative public interest litigation case where the procuratorial organs in Shanxi Province urged regulation of illegal mining by mining enterprises in Hunyuan County



Civil public interest litigation case of environmental pollution (People's Procuratorate of Fuliang County, Jiangxi Province v. A Chemical Group Co., Ltd.)



Case of procuratorial supervision of the People's Procuratorate of Zibo City, Shandong Province over a civil public interest litigation (A Development Foundation v. B Petrochemical Engineering Co., Ltd. and C Chemical Engineering Co., Ltd.)

Notice by the Supreme People’s Procuratorate of Issuing the Fortieth Group of Guiding Cases of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate

检例第162号 (SPP Case No. 162)


Administrative public interest litigation case where the procuratorial organs in Jilin Province urged performance of supervision and administration functions of environmental protection

关键词 [Keywords]


administrative public interest litigation; ecological and environmental protection; supervision and administration functions; protest

要旨 [Key Points]


The "supervision and administration functions" as prescribed in paragraph 4 of Article 25 of the Administrative Litigation Law of the People's Republic of China include both functions of giving an administrative penalty to an administrative organ for its illegal action and the comprehensive environmental improvement functions where an administrative organ restores the harmed public interests by exercising the public power and using the public funds in accordance with laws, regulations, administrative rules, and other relevant provisions for the purpose of preventing continuance or expansion of harm to public interests. For an effective judgment of the public interest litigation case that is indeed erroneous, the superior procuratorial organ shall lodge a protest in accordance with the law.

检例第163(SPP Case No. 163)


Administrative public interest litigation case where the procuratorial organs in Shanxi Province urged regulation of illegal mining by mining enterprises in Hunyuan County

关键词 [Keywords]


procedures before administrative public interest litigation; major harm to public interests; protection of mineral resources; hierarchical supervision; restoration of the damaged ecological environment

要旨 [Key Points]


In the handling of a case where major public interests are harmed, the procuratorial organ shall proactively seek support of Party committee leaders and governments. Under the circumstances where several administrative organs at multiple levels have supervision and administration functions, the roles of the integrated case-handling mechanism shall be maximized in a coordinated manner. Under the principle of same-level supervision, the procuratorial organs at different levels shall urge the corresponding administrative organs to perform their functions in accordance with the law. In the course of case-handling, the corresponding methods for supervising case-handling including pre-litigation procuratorial recommendation and procuratorial recommendation on social governance may be comprehensively applied to advance joint efforts of procuratorial supervision and hierarchical administrative supervision and solution of problems.

检例第164(SPP Case No. 164)


Civil public interest litigation case of environmental pollution (People's Procuratorate of Fuliang County, Jiangxi Province v. A Chemical Group Co., Ltd.)

关键词 [Keywords]


civil public interest litigation; trans-provincial dumping of hazardous waste; punitive damages; civil liability of an enterprise committing a tort

要旨 [Key Points]


When filing an environmental civil public interest lawsuit, where the party committing a tort deliberately pollutes the environment and damages the ecosystem in violation of the legal provisions, causing the consequences of seriously harming the public interests, the procuratorial organ has the right to require that the party committing the tort should assume the liability of paying the corresponding punitive damages. The amount of punitive damages may be determined with the loss of environmental functions as the basis and in light of the specific case facts.

检例第165(SPP Case No. 165)


Case of procuratorial supervision of the People's Procuratorate of Zibo City, Shandong Province over a civil public interest litigation (A Development Foundation v. B Petrochemical Engineering Co., Ltd. and C Chemical Engineering Co., Ltd.)

关键词 [Keywords]


instituting a public interest litigation by a social organization; settlement agreement; investigation and verification; a written objection

要旨 [Key Points]


Where, after a people's procuratorate publishes a pre-civil public interest litigation announcement, a social organization files a civil public interest lawsuit, the people's procuratorate shall continue to perform its functions as the organ of legal supervision and representative of public interests. Where the people's procuratorate identifies that the social organization and the party committing a tort reach a settlement agreement, which may harm the public interests, the people's procuratorate shall carry out investigation and verification in accordance with the law and raise a written objection within the period of public announcement as prescribed by a people's court. Where the people's court does not admit the written objection and renders a consent judgment, which may harm the public interests, the people's procuratorate shall lodge a protest or raise a procuratorial recommendation of retrial in accordance with the law.


[CLI Code] CLI.3.5135393(EN)

Notice by the Supreme People’s Procuratorate of Issuing the Forty-First Group of Guiding Case of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate

检例第166号 (SPP Case No. 166)


Supreme People's Procuratorate's Public Interest Litigation Case to Urge Remedies for Ecological and Environmental Damage in the Wanfeng Lake Basin

关键词 [Keywords]


ecological and environmental remediation in a river basin; cross-regional damage to public interest; filing a case based on facts; integrated case handling; procuratorial hearing; management of disputes at source

要旨 [Key Points]


If the public interest is seriously damaged, and there are a relatively large number of violators and complex administrative levels, rendering it difficult to determine specific supervisees, procuratorial authorities may file a case based on the fact of damage to the public interest.


For damage to the ecological and environmental public interest across not less than two provincial, municipal, or county-level administrative divisions, the common higher people's procuratorate may directly file a case.


The higher people's procuratorate may adopt a case handling model of procuratorial integration, lawfully and uniformly select public prosecutors within its jurisdiction to form a case handling group, concurrently establish case handling subgroups in lower procuratorates, unify work plans, specify the objectives and tasks of case handling, uniformly research and judge clues to cases, and uniformly allocate the tasks of case handling by assignment, specifying jurisdiction over cases, and other means. The higher people's procuratorate may supervise or review the handling of key cases, and lower people's procuratorates may request the higher people's procuratorate level by level to make decisions on important issues in case handling, including relevant issues that require the direct coordination of resolution from the higher people's procuratorate.


When handling public interest litigation cases, procuratorial authorities may objectively assess by public hearing and other means proposed plans for relief for damage to the public interest or the milestone management achievements that have been made, including those involving the adjustment of relations of interest between different regions, or involving stakeholders other than the parties to the cases, especially those involving unspecific interested groups and members of the public, or seek measures for and opinions on the management of the relevant issues.


For root causes such as insufficient supply of systems as a result of crossing administrative divisions, procuratorial authorities may protect the damaged public interest by establishing and improving a mechanism for cross-administrative division coordinated performance of duty, while promoting the unified regulation and law enforcement by relevant administrative authorities and relevant local governments, coordinating the strengthening of economic and social management, and promoting the management of disputes at source.



















责任编辑 | 金梦洋

审核人员 | 董帅 曲鹏翔

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