
中英对照 | 最高人民检察院第三十四批指导性案例译文上线!

北大法宝 北大法律信息网 2023-02-10

来源 | 北大法宝法律法规库


[CLI Code]CLI.3.5114398(EN) 




People v. Qiu A (case of injuring the reputation and honor of a hero or martyr)



People v. Lang A and He A (case of defamation)



People v. Yue A (case of insult)



People v. Qian A (case of production, sale, and dissemination of obscene matter for profit)



People v. Ke A (case of infringement upon citizen's personal information)


Notice by the Supreme People’s Procuratorate of Issuing the Thirty-Fourth Group of Guiding Cases of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate


检例第136号 (SPP Case No. 136)
People v. Qiu A (case of injuring the reputation and honor of a hero or martyr)
关键词 [Keywords]
injure the reputation and honor of a hero or martyr; serious circumstances; public interest civil litigation collateral to a criminal proceeding
要旨 [Key Points]
For the purposes of the crime of injuring the reputation and honor of a hero or martyr, "hero or martyr" means a hero or martyr who sacrificed his or her life or is deceased. When there are both martyrs and living heroes and role models in the group injured by the actor in a case, the injury shall be evaluated as injury to the reputation and honor of the heroes and martyrs as a whole, and it is inappropriate to make a distinction and apply respectively the crime of injuring the reputation and honor of a hero or martyr, the crime of insult, and the crime of defamation. An act of injuring the reputation and honor of a hero or martyr by insult, defamation or any other means after the Amendment (XI) to the Criminal Law came into force is punishable as the crime of injuring the reputation and honor of a hero or martyr, if the circumstances are serious. That an actor injures the reputation and honor of a hero or martyr on an information network, causing widespread dissemination and creating an adverse social impact, shall be determined as "serious circumstances." If a hero or martyr has no close relatives, or no close relative files a civil lawsuit, the procuratorial authority may file collateral public interest civil litigation at the time of public prosecution.
检例第137(SPP Case No. 137)
People v. Lang A and He A (case of defamation)
关键词 [Keywords]
online defamation; seriously endanger social order; judicial activism; convert private prosecution to public prosecution
要旨 [Key Points]
Where an information network is used to defame other persons, undermine the public security, and seriously disrupt social order on the network complies with "seriously undermine social order" in paragraph 2 of Article 246 of the Criminal Law, the procuratorial authorities shall perform their prosecuting duties in accordance with the law and handle the case as a public prosecution case. Where the public security authorities have not opened a case for investigation, and the victim has filed a private prosecution, the procuratorial authorities shall effectively handle the conversion of the private prosecution to a public prosecution proceeding.
检例第138(SPP Case No. 138)
People v. Yue A (case of insult)
关键词 [Keywords]
online insult; nude photos; serious circumstances; seriously undermine social order; public prosecution proceeding
要旨 [Key Points]
Where disseminating the nude videos or photos of a victim and insulting writing, blatantly insulting the victim, and degrading and injuring the reputation of the victim on an information network lead to the suicide of the victim and other consequences and seriously undermine the social order, the offender shall be held criminally liable for the crime of insult in accordance with the law under the public prosecution procedure.
检例第139(SPP Case No. 139)
People v. Qian A (case of production, sale, and dissemination of obscene matter for profit)
关键词 [Keywords]
production, sale, and dissemination of obscene materials with the purpose of making profits; act in private space; secret photography; obscene materials
要旨 [Key Points]
The privacy protected by the Civil Code is the daily life of natural persons in private space. When an actor secretly films the sexual activity of another person, produces videos, and makes them publicly available by means of sale and dissemination, the actor violates the privacy of the other person, and the secretly recorded videos have the objective attributes of describing sexual activity and promoting pornography, after being made publicly available, and comply with the provisions on "obscene materials" of the Criminal Law; and if the acts are criminally punishable, the offender shall be held criminally liable for the crime of production, sale, and dissemination of obscene materials with the purpose of making profits. For the purpose of such crime, "sale and dissemination" shall include the making of hyperlinks available for the purpose of making profits to enable other persons to watch live video streams or download videos from hidden camera equipment. When handling criminal cases involving secretly filming the privacy of another person, procuratorial authorities shall apply different charges according to the law to enforcement of criminal liability according to the subjective and objective aspects of crime.
检例第140(SPP Case No. 140)
People v. Ke A (case of infringement upon citizen's personal information)
关键词 [Keywords]
infringement upon citizen's personal information; property listing information; identification; separate authorization from information subject
要旨 [Key Points]
Property listing information is a combination of property transaction information and identification information, including without limitation name, communication and contact information, residence address, and transaction price, and is a citizen's personal information protected by law. The illegal obtainment and sale of property listing information limited to scope of use without the separate authorization from information subjects are acts of infringing on the citizen's personal information, and if the circumstances are serious, and the acts are criminally punishable, the offender shall be held criminally liable in accordance with the law. When handling cases, the procuratorial authorities shall specifically identify the citizen's personal information involved in the cases, screen out vague, invalid, and duplicate information, and accurately determine the quantity of the infringed citizen's personal information.
















责任编辑 | 吴晓婧

审核人员 | 董帅 曲鹏翔

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