
中英对照 | 最高人民检察院第三十八批指导性案例译文上线!

北大法宝 北大法宝 2023-03-22

来源 | 北大法宝法律法规库


[CLI Code] CLI.3.5130646(EN)




Protest Case of Dispute over Private Lending between Li █rong and Six Other Persons and Li █yun



Protest Case of Dispute over a Loan Contract (█ Microfinance Company v. █ Real Estate Company)



Case of Procuratorial Proposal on Retrial for Dispute over a Contract on the Sale of a Commodity House (Zheng █an v. █ Property Development Company)



Protest Case of Dispute over a House Lease Contract (Chen v. Xiang █gui)

Notice by the Supreme People’s Procuratorate of Issuing the Thirty-Eighth Group of Guiding Cases Published by the Supreme People’s Procuratorate

检例第154号 (SPP Case No. 154)李某荣等七人与李某云民间借贷纠纷抗诉案Protest Case of Dispute over Private Lending between Li█rong and Six Other Persons and Li █yun
关键词 [Keywords]民间借贷;举证责任;司法鉴定;抗诉private lending; burden of proof; judicial expertise; protest
要旨 [Key Points]检察机关办理民间借贷纠纷监督案件应当全面、客观地审查证据,加强对借款、还款凭证等合同类文件以及款项实际交付情况的审查,确保相关证据达到高度可能性的证明标准,并就举证责任分配是否符合法定规则加强监督。对于鉴定意见应否采信,检察机关应当统筹考虑鉴定内容、鉴定程序、鉴定资质以及当事人在关键节点能否充分行使诉权等因素,结合案件其他证据综合作出判断。In the handling of a supervision case of dispute over private lending, the procuratorial organ shall comprehensively and objectively examine evidence, strengthen examination of such contract-type documents as loan and payment vouchers as well as actual delivery of the borrowed money, ensure that the relevant evidence reach the proof standard of high probability, and strengthen supervision over whether the allocation of burden of proof satisfies the statutory rules. With respect to whether the expert opinions shall be adopted, the procuratorial organ shall take into full account such factors as the identification content, identification procedures, identification qualification as well as whether the litigants may fully exercise the litigation rights at crucial points and make a judgment in light of other evidence of the case.
检例第155(SPP Case No. 155)某小额贷款公司与某置业公司借款合同纠纷抗诉案Protest Case of Dispute over a Loan Contract (█ Microfinance Company v. █ Real Estate Company)
关键词 [Keywords]借款合同;依职权监督;高利放贷;抗诉loan contract; supervision in accordance with functions and powers; loan sharking; protest
要旨 [Key Points]检察机关在办理借款合同纠纷监督案件中发现小额贷款公司设立关联公司,以收取咨询费、管理费等名义预先扣除借款本金、变相收取高额利息的,应当按照实际借款金额认定借款本金并依法计息。检察机关在办理相关案件中应当加强对小额贷款公司等地方金融组织违规发放贷款行为的审查和调查核实,发挥司法能动作用,依法维护金融秩序和金融安全。Where, in the handling of a supervision case of dispute over a loan contract, the procuratorial organ identifies that a microfinance company establishes an associated company and deducts the loan principal in advance in the name of charging consulting fee and management fee and charges high interest in a disguised form, the loan principal shall be determined on the basis of the actual amount of the loan and the interest shall be recalculated in accordance with the law. In the handling of relevant cases, the procuratorial organ shall exert more efforts to examine, investigate, and verify acts of microfinance companies and other local financial institutions of granting loans in violation of regulations, give play to active roles of justice, and maintain the financial order and financial security in accordance with the law.
检例第156(SPP Case No. 156)郑某安与某物业发展公司商品房买卖合同纠纷再审检察建议案Case of Procuratorial Proposal on Retrial for Dispute over a Contract on the Sale of a Commodity House (Zheng █an v. █ Property Development Company)
关键词 [Keywords]一房二卖;可得利益损失;自由裁量权;再审检察建议sale of the same house to two or more buyers; loss to the acquirable benefit; discretion; procuratorial proposal on retrial
要旨 [Key Points]“一房二卖”民事纠纷中,房屋差价损失是当事人在订立合同时应当预见的内容,属可得利益损失,应当由违约方予以赔偿。对于法院行使自由裁量权明显失当的,检察机关应当合理选择监督方式,依法进行监督,促进案件公正审理。In the civil dispute over "sale of the same house to two or more buyers," the loss caused by house price difference is an item that shall be foreseen by the parties in the conclusion of a contract. As loss to acquirable benefit, it shall be compensated by the defaulting party. Where the exercise of discretion by the people's court is obviously improper, the procuratorial organ shall reasonably select a supervision method to conduct supervision in accordance with the law and promote fair trial of the case.
检例第157(SPP Case No. 157)陈某与向某贵房屋租赁合同纠纷抗诉案Protest Case of Dispute over a House Lease Contract (Chen v. Xiang █gui)
关键词 [Keywords]房屋租赁合同;权利瑕疵担保责任;合同解除;抗诉a house lease contract; liability of warranty for right defects; rescission of a contract; protest
要旨 [Key Points]出租人履行房屋租赁合同,应当保证租赁物符合约定的用途。租赁物存在权利瑕疵并导致房屋租赁合同目的不能实现时,承租人有权解除房屋租赁合同。检察机关在办案中应当准确适用关于合同解除的法律规定,保障当事人能够按照法定条件和程序解除合同。To perform a house lease contract, the lessor shall ensure that the lease item fit for the agreed purpose. Where the lease item has right defects, which may result in failure to achieve the purpose of concluding the house lease contract, the lessee shall have the right to rescind the house lease contract. In the course of case-handling, the procuratorial organ shall accurately apply the legal provisions on rescission of a contract and ensure that the parties should rescind a contract under the legal conditions and procedures.















责任编辑 | 金梦洋

审核人员 | 董帅 曲鹏翔

本文声明 | 本文章仅为交流之目的,不代表北大法宝的法律意见或对相关法规/案件/事件等的解读。 



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