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保守时评 北美保守评论 2020-08-18






作者 | 吹号角的凌飞

翻译 | 红

Try Shouting Out "Chinese lives matter”

--- Response to an open letter 

" We Stand with African Americans"

from a 2nd generation Chinese American student at Harvard, Class of 2020

----- By Ling Fei, Sounding the Trumpet


I am very disappointed with the 2nd-generation Chinese American children in the Ivory Tower. The Chinese Americans mustered their best resources and sent them to the best schools. However, these 2nd-generation children, who received the best education because of the efforts of their parents, are not planning to solve the many problems of discrimination faced by our Chinese American community in a down-to-earth manner. Instead, they are marketing the poisonous "Standing with BLM" slogan and are trying hard to instill it into the Chinese American community. I often ponder and reflect on the way Chinese American parents raise their kids: where did it go wrong that resulted in 2nd generation growing up to behave like this?


My Dear Children,

You think you have learned "sincerity, dedication, support, love". Unfortunately, that is not true. That is just your illusion.

What matters first is the truth. Truth refers to the facts in reality, not the so-called "facts" in your imagination.

Sweeties, you shall remember that the ability Harvard aims to cultivate is the ability to think independently and explore freely. The ability should be loyal only to the Latin script engraved on the Harvard school emblem-"VERITAS" (truth).

Part I || What is the truth? How to seek the truth?

01 | Distinguish What is the Truth and What is Distorted Perception

Sweeties, it is critical to get the basic historical facts correct. In your open letter, you got the most basic “facts” wrong, regardless they are real-life or historical. Why is that?

Did you assume that the Chinese that came to the United States were all intellectuals with higher than average status? Haven't you been to Chinatown? Taking only the Chinese in New York City as an example. The poverty rate of Chinese Americans exceeds the average level, whether for working-age people (21.8% vs. 20%) or for senior citizens (28.8% vs. 18.8%).

Did you assert the elimination of the "Chinese Exclusion Act" was the merit of African Americans? That insane assertion gravely disparaged the countless Chinese who had sacrificed their lives. The historical fact is that the huge sacrifices made by the Chinese during World War II led the US Congress to abolish the Chinese Exclusion Act.

Did you assert that the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 was the merit of African-Americans? That is also absurd. The Act was a result of a series of temporary special laws implemented between 1945-1952, and it was further amended based on the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952. In fact, African Americans were the biggest opponents of the 1965 Act.

The Chinese were able to enter the United States in large numbers because of the open-door policy of the Chinese and American governments, not because of African Americans.

The various rights earned by the Chinese Americans are not a result of African American efforts. Rather they are the result of progressivism and civilization. They should not be credited to a specific ethnic group.

The fundamental reason why many Chinese came to the United States is the "American Dream", a dream that can be realized through hard work and progressive civilization. If there is no such "American Dream", no matter whether these rights exist, we would not have come to the United States.

Sweeties, I am perplexed that your basic ‘historical facts’ are wildly unhistorical and biased. I cannot believe that somebody graduating from an Ivy League school does not even possess the ability of basic logical thinking and the ability of constructing a minimally reasonable argument?

02 | Define Preference-Based Discrimination, Statistical Discrimination, Systemic Discrimination, and Privilege

Sweeties, there is discrimination in this world. As long as people can decide their own preferences, discrimination will always exist.

We have to distinguish between preferential discrimination and statistical discrimination. Unfortunately, you completely confused the two in your letter.

Sweeties, we Chinese, especially those who work hard and own independent businesses, are the least likely to be racially discriminatory. Why would a business owner discriminate against their owe customers? When you open a business, everybody who patronizes is a customer. Some are good customers while some are not as good. Therefore, virtues of a person are important. Skin color? No. One’s value system is important. Skin color do not matter at all! Anyone who takes skin color as the starting point of a petition, regardless of the direction, is racism.

Our cultural tradition emphasizes work ethics, not skin color at all. We are color blind. Opposing racial discrimination is to oppose the systemic discrimination against specific races in public policies.

Yes, there was racial discrimination in history, just like the Chinese Exclusion Act did exist historically. However, are we still living in that era?

The matter of fact is there is no "systemic discrimination" against African Americans in American society today, unless you call these systemic discrimination - lowering college admission scores for African Americans, or reserving job opportunities just for them!

In fact, Chinese American talents have been the victims of systematic discrimination. For example, under the AA Act, Chinese Americans need to score higher for college admission. That is Systematic Discrimination.

Sweeties, Chinese Americans do face a significant amount of discrimination. Not only do we have no "privileges", but suffer more discrimination, including reverse discrimination.

"Privilege" is an unfounded stigmatization and discredit of the efforts of an entire generation of Chinese immigrants.

Your ability to achieve high academically does not mean you have "privileges". Working hard to gain wealth does not mean "privileges".  You reap what you sow. Denying that is naïve egalitarianism.

My dear children, your education has taught you to, through word games, demonize "achievements" that must be obtained through hard work as "privileges". The purpose is to obscure your thinking and deliberately create a distorted perspective that attributes failures to external reasons only.

Likewise, labeling under-performing due to insufficient efforts as lack of “access” or "opportunity" is blaming external factors only and ignores internal factors.

"Working hard does not always bring success or wealth. But lack of hard work definitely will not lead to success or wealth."

——I challenge you to make a bold statement of the above to any African American who complains about social inadequacy and lack of wealth. Don’t be timid or cowardly, because that is the truth of reality.

Sweeties, equality of opportunity and equality of results are two different concepts. I don’t need to explain further, as your education should have enabled you to understand the difference.

PS: When you think you don’t discriminate, I received a letter from a 2nd-generation Chinese Canadian, calling me "a fat old man sitting at home living a sad life". Isn’t that contradictory? You do not discriminate against African Americans, but you do discriminate against "fat old men"?

I appreciate the kid’s courage to expose his discrimination. However, you, living in your own illusions, can't detect your own discrimination.

03 | Distinguish the Differences Between Racial Discrimination against Chinese Americans and the Floyd Incident.

American society's racial discrimination against Chinese Americans is completely different from the Floyd incident.

What Chinese Americans are encountering is that many left-wing politicians try to establish laws and regulations purposely restricting and harming our legitimate rights and interests – and that is "systemic discrimination" in its true definition.

The Floyd incident was a law enforcement accident preceded by his illegal violations. We totally disagree that Floyd's incident stemmed from racial discrimination.

Our Chinese community will not support behaviors such as drug abuse, using counterfeit banknotes, alcoholism, and lack of responsibility. We will not entertain the notion of challenging police in law enforcement.

Don't over-exaggerate the flaws in law enforcement process to the point of negating the rule of law.

Sweeties, there are good and bad policemen, just as there are African-Americans who support the American Dream and ones that support BLM. We strongly believe that in a society ruled by law, justice may be late, but it will never be absent!

No matter how many slogans are chanted, and how many attempts to destroy the rule of law, those actions will not get our support. Without the rule of law, the United States will be nothing.

04 | Distinguish the Differences Between the Justice Aappeal of the African Americans in the Civil Rights Eera and the Aabsurd Appeal Today

My dear children, the African and Chinese American communities had historically supported each other in the fight against racial discrimination. But after the decease of Dr. Martin Luther King, the civil rights movement, which symbolized the "American Dream" and the freedom spirit of the American nation, unfortunately was led stray hastily.

Dr. Martin Luther King, a man who devoted his entire life to equality for all skin colors, would not be pleased if he saw the current blatant petition for African Americans. He fought against any privilege due to any skin color (be it white or black). Dr. King would agree with All Lives Matter.

Not all African-Americans think alike. Not every African-American public opinion leader has the ability to guide them in the right direction. An appeal against racial discrimination based on skin color turns out to be led by the letter Black (skin color). Very irrational.

The current BLM has completely departed from the civil rights appeal of Dr. Martin Luther King's "American Dream".

Yes, Chinese Americans used to be in the same boat as African Americans. Unfortunately, African Americans now have very different ideology from Chinese Americans. They even harbor some degree of hatred toward Chinese Americans. They have got to a point where they hate all other ethnic groups with a different skin color. Children, ask your parents, relatives and friends - how many bad things have African Americans done to Chinese Americans?

The appeal of African Americans is no longer equal rights, but rather "privilege”, a special privilege only for African Americans.

If you don’t believe that, Children, please test it out by holding a "Chinese Lives Matter" sign to the parade, and wait to see what happens.

The reality is ruthless and face-slapping. We watched one of the simplest social experiments on YouTube, where a white man walked around in an African-American area with an “All Lives Matter” sign. He got attacked by African Americans.

Sound ideology leads to right direction. Otherwise bad results are inevitable.

Sweeties, what BLM is pursuing runs completely opposite to "equal rights".

Sweeties, this is Nazi madness. Don't stand with madness!

Sweetie, when you have sympathy for BLM, think about the story of "Farmer and Snake".

Part II || Don't Be Cowardly. Don’t Be Hypocritical

01 | I Highly Appreciate Your Desire to Make the World a Better Place

Having trudged through significant difficulties to make a better living, my generation has built a solid foundation for yours. We definitely hope that you will understand the society with a higher level of insight, to help our community, and to build a better America.

One of the reasons that you were able to enjoy excellent educational and job opportunities is that your parents have made tremendous investment into your education. You have put in significant effort as well. However, you have not even tried to understand your parents’ hard struggles in the past. You have not tried to get to know their values. On the contrary, your education seems to lead you to claim that you were born into a "privileged" group with special resources. This kind of claim is completely unfounded, and the "privilege" you are claiming is indeed wicked stigmatization and discredit of the efforts of the 1st-generation of Chinese Americans.

My dear children, you are standing on the shoulders of the 1st generation immigrants. You should see the farther future through the continuous integration of Chinese and American cultures. However, you have become a victim to the leftist ideology of some white Americans.

The civilization of human society is built upon common values, such as equality, freedom, respect, peace, family, and love. Equality should be irrespective of race, gender, religion, or cultural background. No one should be guilty because of his/her skin color. I watched a video in which a BLM thug forced a helpless white girl to kneel down in front of him to apologize for a so-called "historical original sin" that had nothing to do with her.

Sweeties, such absurd behaviors will not make the world better. On the contrary, it will only make the world worse!

Sweeties, take courage. Don’t be afraid of being “left out” by the people around you. Don’t be intimidated by the bullying around you. Don’t rush to echo others just because they exert forceful and intimidating pressure.

Don't be timid. Don't be cowardly, children.

02 | I Highly Appreciate that You Want to Stand on the Front Line and Fight Against Racial Discrimination

One cannot change one's skin color or race, but can control own values and codes of conduct. We never judge a person or a race by skin color, but rather by virtue and behavior.

Any accusation based on skin color and race is racism.

Sweetie, now Chinese Americans are facing racial discrimination. African Americans have been raging offense and racial discrimination against Asian Americans to violate our interests, through songs, violence, and laws. I hope you care to take note of that fact.

For example, African Americans use songs to incite robbery against Chinese Americans. They shot and killed innocent Chinese who were just delivering food. They robbed and gravely battered a Chinese American family, who not only lost their lifetime wealth, but also suffered broken legs and had to be sent to ICU…

Those Chinese Americans who were directly hurt by the African Americans definitely will not agree with your stance to stand with BLM.

Sweeties, I hope you can see not only what you want to see, but the holistic picture, even if this whole picture will subvert your previous perception.

Stweeties, be brave. Be brave to yourselves, to the independent thingkings of yourselves, to the free wills of yourselves.

Sweeties, take courage. The most important thing is to fight back.

I highly appreciate that you fight against racial discrimination. The next step is to take action to fight the offense and racial discrimination African Americans have against Asian Americans.

Don't be timid. Don't be cowardly, children.

03 | I Highly Acclaim Your Observation that the Family Tties in Our Chinese Families Are So Close

So my dear children, don’t refuse to communicate with your parents. I have heard from many worried parents, saying that you refuse to communicate with them, or even hang up their phone calls. That is bad, very bad.

Sweeties, if you really want to help African Americans, investigate why African-American families have a single parent family rate of 73%. Only then can you apply the "sincerity, dedication, support, and love" you have learned.

In my observation, there is a lack of self-reflection in the African American community and culture, reflecting on whether or not there is something wrong with self.

The Chinese American community has the culture of self-reflection. For example, right now we parents are reflecting on where things went wrong during the child-rearing stage. 

Sweeties, we are taught by the Chinese culture tradition, the unity of knowledge and action. "Knowledge" refers to conscience, and "action" refers to practice. If you are kind and truly want to help others, please put it into action. Only then you will find out if reality is consistent with your ‘kind’ perception.

Don't be hypocritical. Don't be hypocritical, children.

04 | I Highly Appreciate what You Said: "It is Our Responsibility to Establish a True Citizen's Image"

But first of all, you are not just showing off the "image". What you have to do is to make the United States better and the society fairer on the foundation laid out by your parents.

For anything to be truly feasible, it must be built on a solid understanding. Otherwise your plan will turn out to be an outright absurd drama! Sweetie, tell me which community you have a better understanding, the Chinese American, the African American or the white American communities?

Sweetie, don’t be afraid of people distorting your kindness into "selfishness", unless your kindness is indeed disguised selfishness.

The self-government system of the United States implies that people of all ethnic groups would compete for their own interests, and eventually come to compromise with each other.

If you don’t even help your own Chinese American community, how can you love the African-American community? That is sheer hypocrisy!

If a person can't even help his/her own ethnic group, it’s questionable that she/he can help other ethnic groups. Our ancestors illustrated it in a very straightforward way: if you cannot clean your own house, what makes you think you can clean the entire world?

Sweeties, there are many things that you can do today to help the Chinese American community. For example, you can volunteer to help the appeal for honest voting. 

For example, in my paper “Is America Crazy? 美国疯了么?”, I mentioned discrimination against Chinese in New York city signboards. You can help solve it.

For example, systemic discrimination against Asian Americans in the education system, such as New York eliminating the special high school test (SHSAT), or California passing the ACA5 bill. You can help by fighting against it.

Sweeties, you can show your compassion and kindness that we have taught you,

By understanding and helping solve the problems of Chinese Americans. Today you can take actions to help foster a more secure and friendly community for Asians and all other minorities, instead of recklessly associating with BLM that calls for chaos or even damage.

Sweeties, I highly acclaim that you personally want to start doing something. The Chinese community needs you. Please make an effort to help our Chinese American community!

Don't be hypocritical. Don't be deceitful, children.

My dear children, we are willing to support the ideology and values that truly support freedom and equality. We are also willing to support those who practice those values.

The practice of turning “anti-discrimination” into “pursuit of privileges for a specific skin color”, which is what BLM is doing, is not helping African-Americans at all. Instead it kidnaps African-Americans as props to serve the secret agenda of those manipulators behind the scene. Children, that is not justice, nor a good fight against racial discrimination.

My dear children, if you think African Americans can join forces with you, if you think anti-Chinese racism and anti-African racism are interdependent, if you think that the fight against black racial discrimination also includes anti-Chinese discrimination, please boldly hold a ‘Chinese lives matter’ sign in the parade. (Do that at your own risk. After all, aren’t you a grown-up?)

Sweeties, don’t be fooled by your illusion that you are fighting for justice. What you are doing is as absurd as Don Quijote’s going around in the wind trying to turn the millstone.

BLM is like the violent French Revolution in history.

"Sometimes hateful, sometimes compassionate, sometimes scary but not indifferent."

The silent majority in the end will not be indifferent. The silent majority will rise up and correct this crazy BLM.

Sweeties, stand on the side of conservatism, not on the guillotine of the French Revolution.

Sweeties, stand on the side of civilization, not on the side of Nazi book burning in Berlin in 1933.

Sweeties, stand on the side of the rule of law, not on the Siberian labor camp.

Sweeties, stand on the side of American flag, not on the side of thugs who cut off people’s heads.

(the end)

阅读中文原文 Read Original Chinese Version:
喊一句“Chinese lives matter”试试--回哈佛2020届华裔“与非裔站一起”的公开信








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