
子女抚养纠纷案例汇编 | 法宝双语案例

Mani 北大法律信息网 2023-02-10





Yao v. Wang (appeal case regarding dispute over custody of children born out of wedlock)


Makoto Sugao v. Yan Rongrong (case regarding dispute over child custody)

3. 小陆诉陆某某抚养费纠纷案

Lu A v. Lu B (case of dispute over child support)

Yao v. Wang (appeal case regarding dispute over custody of children born out of wedlock)


[Judgment Abstract]

According to the relevant provisions of the Marriage Law, children born by parents who live together without formally registering their relation as a marriage are illegitimate children, but these children still enjoy the same rights as children born in wedlock. After the parents get divorced, the relationship between the parents and the children is not eliminated, so the divorced parents still have the rights and obligations to bring up and educate their children. In this case where the parents get divorced, they should properly handle the issue of fostering their child. In favor of the growth of child and given the financial situation of both parents, one party should have the custody of child, and the other party should provide the child support fee.

[CLI Code] CLI.C. 8076023 (EN)


Makoto Sugao v. Yan Rongrong (case regarding dispute over child custody)


[Judgment Abstract]
In accordance with Article 36 and 37 of the Marriage Law, after a divorce, parents still have the right and obligation to raise and educate their children. When one party gain the custody of the child, the other should bear the necessary living and education expenses in part or in whole. That is, China follows a principle of single custody for the child whose parents get divorced. While the child lives with one parent, the other parent does not live with the child and only have visitation rights although he or she still has the obligation to raise and educate the child. According to the provisions of the Marriage Law, the rights and obligations of raising, protecting and educating children always belong to parents, and grandparents gain the custody over their grandchildren provided that the following three conditions are met concurrently: first, both parents have died; or one of the parents has died, but the other one is incapable of raising the child; or both parents are incapable of raising the child. Second, the grandchildren are minors in need of raising. Third, grandparents are capable of raising the child. Therefore, after a husband and a wife are divorced, a child born in wedlock may be under the custody of the grandparents only when the above-mentioned conditions have been met.


[CLI Code] CLI.C. 352973 (EN)

Lu A v. Lu B (case of dispute over child support)
[Judgment Abstract]
Parents are obliged to support and educate their children. Pursuant to Article 37 of the Law on Marriage of the People's Republic of China, if, after the divorce of parents, the children are to be brought up by either party, the other party shall undertake a part or all of the necessary living and education expenses. The amount and term of payment shall be agreed upon by both parties; or in the absence of such agreement, the amount and term shall be decided by the people's court. No agreement or judgment concerning the expenses for the living and education of the children may in any way prevent the children at the necessary time from making a reasonable request to either parent for an amount beyond that’s determined in the said agreement or judgment. Accordingly, after the divorce of parents, their children may at the neccesary time request for an increase in child support payment by either party.


[CLI Code] CLI.C. 6233398 (EN)















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